Monday, January 6, 2014

Looking Back- 2013

2013 has come and gone.  Here are 13 highlights from 2013.

1. We started off the year with a look back at 2012.  Check it out here if you want to relive our journey from babyhood to toddlerdom and experience all the gore yourself!  We also recapped Christmas and introduced Ralph the Reindeer.

2. I threw a No-Stress Toddler Valentine's Day Party for Corbin-o's playgroup.  Cute kids in red and pink if you follow this link!

3. At the end of February I announced that I was pregnant!  I also posted the only belly bump photo (at 18 weeks) that I took the entire pregnancy!  How's that for different!

Oh, and we ruled out the name 'Norman' for the baby.

4. In March we went on a family vacation to Hawaii!  It was Corbin-o's first airplane ride and our first extended family vacation with my side of the family and it was so much fun.

5. We had many firsts in the Spring- a first Easter egg hunt, first train ride, and my first time exclaiming, "Never again…" as a parent.  Of course my dramatic declaration was met with the realization that, yes, I would be doing it all again.

6. Corbin-o continued to grow up.  I shared our visit with 'cousins,' the Bean's growing vocabulary list (which seems like nothing compared to his elaborate stories now!), and many fun adventures, including a trip to the strawberry fields.

7. Corbin turned TWO!  We celebrated with a yellow birthday and it was so much fun to make all the little details- garlands, yellow food, decorations on the playhouse.  His friends all obliged and wore yellow in honor of the birthday boy too.

8. Shortly after Corbin's birthday, we celebrated another birth day- Leo Axel joined our family.  I did something I never thought I would do and shared his birth story with the whole wide internet.  If you're into those kinds of things and would like to hear about our natural birth (complete with the usual misadventures that seem to follow us wherever we go!) check it out.

9. I then proceeded to pepper the blog with Leo updates and squishy newborn photos.  Who doesn't love pics of new babies? (see some here, here, here)

10. I continued to do photo shoots with Christmas Tree Face Photography.  Just for fun we did a fall photo shoot with Corbin and his bff Karson.

11. A Random Things post in October.  I shared about my noisy life, Corbin's recent milestones including a fun game of "Where's Corbin? (hint: not in his bed!)",  and gave a Little Leo Update.

12. Some Recent Conversations with my two year old.  Lots of funny stuff here and a few life-lessons too.

13. Finally, some Christmas Musings and photo update via instagram (follow me @christmastreeface!). I shared some of the craziness of our house during the holidays, a few new traditions, and how Corbin melted my heart with his generosity.

What a blur!  I can't believe some of these things happened a whole year ago… and yet I look back and see my little guy turning into a big guy and a whole new little guy doing his own thing.  Crazy.  Thank you again for following along on all of our adventures.  Again, just for fun here's some of the more interesting blog stats!

Most Viewed Blog Post of 2013: 

Visitors to CTF from the following countries:


Notable Keyword Searches:

christmas tree with face
christmas tree face
christmas gender reveal (our Gender Reveal Party continues to be a popular post)

Here's to a wonderful 2014!


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