Sunday, March 22, 2009

Rainy Day...

Today was a rare rainy day in socal... at least part of the day was rainy.  But it still counted in my book as rainy.  Even though we really only entertained a few moments of heavy sprinkles, Mr. Incredible and I enjoyed the great indoors.  Every once in awhile you just need to do nothing.  I realize this is hard for me.  

I'm used to packing the day with work, play, and every activity in between. At first I fought it- poking around the house, looking for things to clean, organize, or create.  I found myself spitefully scowling at Aust- who was happily glued to the TV, watching the second round of March Madness (listen to me- 'second round...' the only reason I know it was the second round- or that a second round exists- is due to the lesson in college basketball Mr. Incredible so dutifully taught me once I finally settled down today).

The chill in the air, the warm fleecy blanket draped on the back of my couch, and the sleepy snores escaping from Nora Nora finally got the best of me and I succumbed to Sunday afternoon nap.  It was great.

I realized that sometimes you just need a day without plans... or at least many plans.  I did go grocery shopping, made something for dinner, cleaned up around the house a little too but mostly did nothing in particular...

except this...


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