Sunday, August 2, 2009

Day 2-3



and Smiles!!!

Saturday was more fun at the orphanage. The kids loved playing a few water games, painting nails, and of course kicking around the futbal! Austin and I loved getting to know a few kids better. Austin's highlight was playing basketball with a couple kids and team members- and assisting Iulica- a 12 year old in scoring points. My highlight- aside from being able to take photos of these beautiful kids- was having little Vic (age 7/8) paint my finger nails- very, very carefully. He would painstakingly paint each nail, blow on them to dry the nail polish, and wipe off any extra is he made a mistake. He was so enthused with his finished masterpiece- my sloppily painted coral-colored nails. Not the color I would chose- nor the skills needed to really paint nails well, but the joy on Vic's face at accomplishing something 'beautiful' (in his eyes) was worth a thousand manicures!

Today we attended church at AlphaOmega- our home church here in Romania. It was fun to re-connect with old friends and participate in worship and Communion with fellow believers. After lunch out, we returned to the team house for a pool party with the Transition House grads- the former orphans who went through our Transition Program. The kids had a blast swimming and hanging out with the team. Austin was able to talk to one of our favorite's, (shhhhh) Mariana about her life. While hearing about her friends, favorite movies, and how much she loves her job at Starbucks, Austin kept thinking back to a few years ago when he sat with a very different Mariana at her orphanage, trying to convince her to apply to the Girls Transition Home. When he mentioned this to her, Mariana's immediate response was, "Only by the grace of God."

We're so excited to still have several days here in Romania. We'll continue to post updates and photos of our time- and an occasional story too!


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