Ok, that kind of sounds like complaining. But I actually do like the rain. And I'm really not trying to complain (who wants to read a complaining blog?). This rambling is just the preamble to what I'm about to assault you with...
...and that's COLOR! But not recently photographed color. Just some photos from 2009 that I've taken run through the Photoshop machine...
Normally I adhere to the 'process photos as you would film- get as close to real life as possible' law/ These photos are in violation of my own law.
You've been warned. Mark E- you especially have been warned (since I know how much you LOVE HDR photos) and Super GonBozo- you too have been warned (since I know how much you LOVE HDR).
Sorry- no more inside jokes... just some very processed photos that I kind of like...
Like this old fashioned chapel up in Cambria, CA-
Or an old paper lantern...
This fat cat... and I even am breaking my 'no cats on this blog' rule (wow, I'm breaking a lot of rules today... I wonder if I should be concerned?)
Cemetery Shots:

Romanian buildings:

And foliage...
...what a weird word....foliage...

This photoshop action courtesy of vacuumslayer. Photos, willingly and knowingly photoshopped in an extreme way property of Christmas Tree Face... all rights reserved and all that!
Nice pics. My favorite is the building in Romania. It almost looks like a painting. You should take more of buildings.