That night he rolled and rolled and rolled- over and over again- just so his daddy could see him in his rolling glory. And I posted these photos on Facebook:
And then Corbin got all the virtual applause from friends and relatives in the form of comments and fb 'likes'. Yay Corbin-o!
And since Tuesday, he's decided that he's had enough of this rolling business and is fine on his back. And if forced to be on his tummy, he's ok with just resting his huge head, shoving a couple fingers in his mouth, and taking a little tummy nap (despite what the AAP has to say about THAT- pbbbbbbbbbbbb!).
Will he roll again? Only time will tell.
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Look how cute I am when I smile! |
So huh.
Babies are confusing. The minute something starts working and we do our 'awesome parents victory dance' they change it up and we're back to scrabbling for answers on 2 hours of sleep and did you make the coffee this morning and forget to put the grounds in and what am I going to do with a pot of coffee flavored water arghhhghghghgh!
But for now we're (relatively) well rested and preparing for a little road trip with the bean-o for Turkey day... now that should be interesting!
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I love three hour car rides! |
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