Wednesday, October 7, 2009


...has been kind of eventful lately.  I don't want to say life has been crazy since that kind of implies lots of unexpected things.  But lots of things- some expected some not- have all converged at once in our lives.

For instance, at work I had two new full-time 'employees' come on rather quickly.  While we were expecting them, the timing was quicker than I had thought.  While processing their paperwork along with my other job duties, my next trip to Romania has been quickly approaching... and now I have a week left before I board the plane (again).

Another big event was Mr. Incredible receiving a job offer.  After nearly 8 months of searching Craig's List, interviewing, and filling out unemployment paperwork, Mr. I will finally be rejoining the work force! We are very excited.  However, in those 8 months, all of Mr. Incredible's shoes have worn out, his pants are stained and hole-y, and his shirts- well he probably shouldn't really wear them in public, especially for his first day at a new job.  (Mr. I's clothing policy is "wear 'em til they can be worn no mo'!")  So shopping we have gone and will continue to go.  (thank GOD for

Halloween is this month (duh, I know) and that's a very big deal here at Christmas Tree Face... the mummies and ghouls are still in my garage- moaning and carrying on about being released to the front yard.  A few oversized spiders and nasty things have made an appearance around my house but there is much to do before the big haunt (and party!)

So eventful my life will continue to be.  Which is not a bad thing.

So here's a nice scary Halloween-type photo of Mr. I preparing for work at his new job (i.e. playing around with PhotoBooth features on his new laptop)

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