Day 11- Siblings
I could write pages on this topic. We basically turned the world upside down for three very young children when we adopted two years ago. Our boys were close knit- only two years apart and each other’s best friend. And we had the audacity to sandwich a sister inbetween them. Here’s the very short story- Bringing a new child home - an instant sibling- is hard. Like I said, the world turned upside down and there were some bad things that happened. We hunkered down in our trench and slowly life began to right itself. Which is to say, we worked really, really hard to meet our kids’ needs, teach life lessons, and help everyone adjust, and by God’s grace we have three pretty spectacular kids who really do love each other. Adoption will affect your kids at home. They will not escape unscarred. But again, my common theme this month, God heals the broken hearted and binds their wounds. Scars fade but they serve as reminders of how He provided healing. My kids are now ages 6-5-4. The 5 and 4 year olds are only 10 months apart and are our ‘twins.’ My oldest recently told me that he’s ready for another sister so he can have a twin too
These sibling relationships that have been formed through adoption are one of my greatest joys in this journey.

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