Monday, March 12, 2018

Day 9

Day 9- Culture Continued

The humid air, the scent of five spice faintly (or not so faintly) ever present, the honking, the throngs of humanity. The wild countryside smashed up against towering skyscrapers. Motor bikes stacked to the moon with crates and newspapers and weaving in and out of traffic, grandparents dutifully pushing their bundled grandbabies down the sidewalk. Sizzling street food, herbal medicine shops and tea stands bustling in the morning. When we started our adoption, I fell in love with a little face I had not met yet. When we arrived in China and stepped out of the Guangzhou Central Train Station, I fell in love with a country at first sight. Our time in China was overwhelming and hard- maybe one of the hardest times of my life- but the longer we were there, the more my heart beat for this exotic land steeped in culture and traditions and the beautiful people we saw each day. God gave us a precious gift by instilling in us a love for Chinese culture and country. We don’t embrace the food and holidays perfectly by any means, but we do it enthusiastically. And in turn, I think we are giving our daughter a gift by genuinely loving her birth culture. And I can’t wait for us to journey back to China as a family and experience that amazing place together.

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